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Title  View All Departments

Center for Irrigation Technology (CIT)
Department Phone 559.278.2066
Department Fax 559.278.6033
Location Post Harvest Lab 104
Mailing Address 5370 N. Chestnut, Fresno, CA 93740
Campus Mail Stop M/S OF18
Web Site

Title Name Title Classification Phone Phone
Staff 559.278.2066
Staff 559.278.8652
Staff, Admin. Asst. 559.278.8067
Staff 559.278.2066
Staff 559.278.4540
Staff, Interim Director 559.278.4540
Staff 559.278.2327
Staff 559.278.8658
Staff, Admin. Asst. 559.278.2066
Staff 559.278.5746
Staff, Asst. Director 559.278.2066
Staff 559.278.5625
Staff, Admin. Asst. 559.278.2066
Staff 559.278.1686