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Offices and Services
First  Previous  Next  Last Records 1 to 40 of 54
Title Department Title Location Phone Phone
2645 E. San Ramon Ave. (93740-8031) 559.278.7539
Kremen Education 156 559.278.1082
Off Campus - See Mailing Address 559.228.2131
Satellite Student Union 109 559.278.3979
Satellite Student Union 107 559.278.3970
Save Mart Center 559.347.3400
Speech Arts 115 559.278.2557
Haak Center, Library 4141 (West Wing) 559.278.2491
McLane Hall 189 559.278.2041
Science 136 559.278.4150
Science II 360 559.278.5173
Science II 301 559.278.3936
Science II 364 559.278.3936
Senate - See Academic Senate
Senate - See Associated Students Inc.
Library 1202 559.278.2811
Sheep Unit 100 559.278.2804
Kremen Education 100 559.278.0300
Joyal Administration 224 559.278.1787
Smittcamp Alumni House 559.278.2586
McLane Hall 200 559.278.8160
Duncan Athletic Bldg. 111 559.278.8302
Social Science 108 559.278.3013
Social Science 106 559.278.3013
Professional and Human Services 128 559.278.3992
Social Science 211 559.278.2234
Physical Therapy and Intercollegiate Athletics 200A 559.278.4453
Kremen Education 250 559.278.0250
Professional and Human Services 252 559.278.2422
Satellite Student Union 559.278.8241
Post Harvest Lab 559.278.2066
Staff Personnel - See Human Resources
Library 2nd Floor 559.278.8036
Joyal Administration 121 559.278.2261
Strength and Conditioning Center 559.278.4164
Ricchiuti Academic Center 559.278.6873
Joyal Administration 181 559.278.2876
Student Activities - See Student Involvement
Joyal Administration 262 559.278.2541
Joyal Administration 137 559.278.5052
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