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Offices and Services
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Title Department Title Location Phone Phone
USU Food Court 559.278.4586
Kremen Education 130 559.278.0333
Joyal Administration 211 559.278.2032
Music 102 559.278.2621
Joyal Administration 152 559.278.4168
Personnel - See Human Resources
Music 102 559.278.2621
Speech Arts 182 559.278.4656
Physical Education & Human Performance - See Kinesiology Department
Physical Therapy and Intercollegiate Athletics 122 559.278.2625
McLane Hall 173 559.278.2371
Placement - See Career Development Center
Facilities Management Bldg. 559.278.2424
Agricultural Sciences 222 559.278.2861
Public Safety Bldg. 559.278.2958
Public Safety Bldg. 559.278.8400
McKee Fisk 244 559.278.2988
Pre-Law - See Philosophy Department
Haak Center, Library 4104 559.278.2324
Music 186 559.278.3056
Shipping/Receiving 102 559.278.2740
Joyal Administration 161 559.278.2111
Social Science 129A 559.278.2313
Haak Center, Library 4116 559.278.2636
Science II 312 559.278.2691
McKee Fisk 212 559.278.2865
McLane Hall 184 559.278.4014
Public Safety - See Police Department
Purchasing - See Procurement and Support Services
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