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Offices and Services
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Title Department Title Location Phone Phone
Facilities Management Bldg. 559.278.2373
Haak Center, Library 4142 (West Wing) 559.278.3027
Faculty Senate - See Academic Senate
Joyal Administration Building 131 559.278.4485
Kremen Education 30 559.278.0450
Agricultural Sciences 230A 559.278.2971
Peters Business Bldg. 285 559.278.6515
Joyal Administration (North Lobby) 559.278.2182
Haak Center, Library 4140 (West Wing) 559.278.2083
Family/Food Sciences 111 559.278.2164
Duncan Athletic Bldg. 222 559.278.3015
Off Campus - See Mailing Address 559.278.0850
5151 N. Palm. Ave., Suite 200 (93704) 559.229.3085
Frank W. Thomas 107 559.278.7007
Ag Science 102 559.278.2061
Joyal Administration 164 559.278.2032
Kremen Education 25 559.278.0225
Speech Arts 160 559.278.9070
Speech Arts 160 559.278.KFSR (5377)
Speech Arts 160 559.278.4500
McLane Hall Annex, Rm. 8 559.278.3003
Kremen Education 242 559.278.1082
McLane Hall Annex, Rm. 10 559.278.6150
Off Campus - See Mailing Address 559.419.0613
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